Beyond Sit-Ups & Salads

Health and Life Transition Support for Women Over 40.

As you’ve gotten older, have you ever wondered why you have to fight so hard to lose weight, boost your energy, or get a decent night’s sleep even though you’ve been working out more, skipping your favorite treats, and eating more lettuce for weeks?

Then there’s the constant bombardment of ads and opinions telling us that we feel crappy because of how we look, and if we try “this new” diet or pill or cream or workout plan, all the other stress in our lives will fade away.

Changing your diet or adding a fun workout starts with the best intentions. And some relief and benefits happen because you’re moving your body, meeting new people, and trying different foods. YAY!

But let’s be honest, life is a roller-coaster, and between your job, partner, friends, finances, aging parents, young kids, pets needing to see the vet, and dishes needing to get done, you are the one it’s easiest to get away with disappointing.

So, when one of those other responsibilities needs extra attention, it’s easy to push your “New You” plan to the bottom of the To-Do list.


And just like that, you’re back to feeling frustrated, broken, and tired. Resenting your aging, listless, aching self even more.

Your body feels like Enemy Number One.

Your Body as Your Ally.

Imagine feeling content, savoring simple moments unencumbered by the grind, and feeling energized the moment you wake up.

By looking beyond the surface answers of sit-ups and salads, we uncover the chronic stressors you've been carrying for so long that you think of them as usual but are unnecessary, so they sap your motivation and keep you stuck.

With over two decades of experience helping people combat the lifestyle and health issues that come with weight gain, navigating life events, and just plain getting older, my approach goes beyond the conventional.

I specialize in decoding the intricate relationship between your mental and physical well-being.

your body is your ally:

• Drop the weight you’ve been struggling with for years.
• Restore your energy.
• Improve your focus.
• Get the rest your body craves.
• Stop craving the things you want to quit.
• Quiet the monkey chatter in your brain that says you’re not enough.

No more temporary relief. No more short-term fixes. No more yo-yo relationship with food or clothes or the mirror.

Let’s redefine your relationship with your body from "Ugh." to "How cool!"

You get to feel comfortable as YOU.

Got questions?

Not sure if I offer the type of support you’re looking for?

I love your curiosity. ☀️ Let’s have a chat and find out!

Hit the Explore button to set up a free 30-minute call with me.

Be delighted by the person you see in the mirror.

“Loralee is engaging and great at seeing situations differently. She’s great at providing insight and encouragement without judgement.

Tiffany J